An acoustic survey using quantitative echo sounder and sonar provides us to estimate biomass and distribution of marine ......
Spatial distribution and reconstruction potential of Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) based on
Many studies have revealed that anchovy has exhibited large variability in population size on decadal timescales. Howeve......
Last 150-Year Variability in Japanese Anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) Abundance Based on the Anaerobic
Monthly variation in the fat content of anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) in the Yellow Sea: implication
Anchovy (Engraulis japonicus), a small pelagic fish and food of other economic fishes, is a key species in the Yellow Se......
The stable carbon isotope compositions of individual amino acids in muscle tissues of the anchovy, Engraulis japonicus, ......
用蛋白酶(Alcalase 2.4L、Papain和Flavorzyme 500 MG)酶解罗非鱼鱼排和缇鱼,结合自然发酵工艺加盐30%进行4个月后熟处理,对后期熟化阶段......
<正> 鳀(Engraulie japonieus)广泛分布于黄、东海,从五十年代起在我国进行过灯光围网、舷提网、中层拖网等的捕捞试验。由于对资......
Relatively short historical catch records show that anchovy populations have exhibited large variability over multi-deca......
在室内受控条件下 ,以卤虫幼体为饵料 ,测定了不同温度下鱼的胃排空率 ,并比较了线性、指数和平方根 3种常用数学模型对其排空曲......
将粗鱼油加热至30℃,加入18% ̄22%的碱液,快速搅拌反应30min,慢速搅拌升温至60℃,用5%的盐水水洗,在真空度为101.0kPa,温度为90℃时连续脱水,物理吸附脱色脱臭得精炼鱼油......
Oceanographic Condition in the Distribution Areas of Anchovy Engraulis Japonicus in the Yellow Sea a
Based on the data obtained from the cooperative surveys by China and Norway from 1984 to 1994, this paper deals with the......
Transport and distribution of nutrients in anchovy spawning ground to the southern waters of Shandon
The distribution of nutrients and the effect of side transport of nutrients on anchovy spawning ground to the southern w......
Genetic variation within and among range-wide populations of three ecotypes of the Japanese grenadie
Studies of range-wide populations can contribute to the comprehension of the relative roles of historical events and con......
Stable isotopes are increasingly used to investigate seasonal migrations of aquatic organisms. This study employed stabl......